Financial Literacy Course
Learn the five essential tools to become financially stable.
In today's economy, the average family can barely make ends meet. They are drowning in the rising cost of living, and sinking further into debt. Many families, especially single income households, do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. If this is you, you're not alone.
In this seminar, you will learn all about money management, how debt works, how to over come debt, learn different ways to save, and even on how to start investing in your future. You will also learn all about credit, and how to build or rebuild your credit.
Once you've taken this class, you will be able to make better financial choices for your family. For yourself. For your future. You'll be able to dig yourself out of a financial pit. You'll be able to make a plan to obtain your goals of a new home, new car, college, emergency savings fund, etc...You are not alone, so I hope to see you in class.